Thursday, October 11, 2018

Creating from the Zone

Would you say composing when feeling sad has brought you richer musical themes?

The point of view I come from when I compose is not from a sad or happy or angry point of view. Those feelings may exist, but there is something greater than feeling and emotion. This space I talk about, and this energy, is more expansive and more creative than emotion.
Before I write in my books, or before I do photography, or prior to composing songs, I place myself in the Zone, where no thoughts exist. I use some kind of technique, a breathing technique, meditation or light visualization to expand my awareness and place me in the space where creativity is born.
Once in this space of no thought, no mind, creativity flows, often too fast for me to capture it all. Creating from this space, transforms the old pent-up emotions as well.
This is how I do all my writing, all my music, and every approach to creating anything. One example was when I was living in Chicago. I was sitting on the floor, and after doing a 45minute meditation, I zoned out. In that split-second moment, the entire story for my YA Fantasy books was dropped into my mind. I just sat there, watching the story write itself. I then sat down and penned what I was seeing.
In the early days, when I was just learning music and practicing for hours and hours, I would reach this state of creativity of no mind, no thought, only after practicing for hours. After practicing for so long, I would zone out, and everything was expansive. That was when creativity started. Now, I bypass those hours of practice, because I force myself into this space, volunteerily, by using a technique.
Meaning, I use a technique to get into the Zone, and then, creativity happens. Whereas, in the beginning, it took me hours and hours of practice before I reached this Zone.
And it is in this state of Awareness that I reside when I compose or write. It is where creativity flows, where everything is richer and deeper for me.

Vaughn Edward is a performing vocalist and instrumentalist, author and photographer. He has trekked over twenty cross-country trips in the States, performed throughout the U.S. and toured the Caribbean. He has authored two books, WARRIOR CHILDREN Fantasy series, and he has sold his photography canvases in various states. (

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